Thursday, October 13, 2016

Coping with Behavior Issues

Currently, I’m in a second grade classroom with students who are 7 and 8. These students are learning how to become more independent, getting to know themselves better, and they are honing the socialization techniques they have been taught in kindergarten and first grade. Bullying is definitely a big topic at this age level, this is due to the educators trying to prevent issues from arising as the students move to higher levels and become worried about peer approval. Luckily, in my classroom there aren’t too many issues. We do have a few students who are still learning to keep their hands to themselves and others who are very sensitive or going through things at home that they take out on their peers. These situations we handle by talking with the students, seeing if we can help, and, if necessary, having the student talk to the guidance counselor for assistance processing or expressing themselves. This doesn’t disrupt our class often and we deal with any situations immediately and with care.
I must admit, however, that we do have a couple of students who have been identified with special needs in the behavior area. Without going into detail, to protect the students, I will say that there are many times these students disrupt the class. Be it screaming, kicking the wall, or throwing things on the floor the rest of the students can easily get off task when these situations occur. When I am teaching the class I just remind my students to pay attention to me and continue working on their assignments. When I use the prompt “Eyes on me” the students all turn to look at me, say “Eyes on you,” and continue following the lesson. We have a GREAT group of students that really stay on task and understand that disruptions may occur but they can still do their work. Both my site teacher and I praise our students when they can stay on task during these outburst and we praise our students who have been identified when they have an excellent lesson or day. We have actually had our students ask if they can say thank you to our identified students when they have a good day as well. We encourage this so that everyone feels welcome in the classroom. I can say I am in a great setting for learning about keeping students on task and coping with behavior problems when arise. We really do have an awesome group of students who support each other and embrace the diversity represented in the classroom!

1 comment:

  1. Very colorful and informative blog. It seems that you are learning a lot about teaching and digging right in to the correct way of handling things. I found it true when you mentioned that students are still learning to communicate and use proper communication skills. With both parents working it almost seems that students struggle with proper or acceptable communication skills. I have heard some of my parents say that 2nd grade has been a big transition for behavior of their child. I can agree but I always found the difficult transition to be form Kindergarten to First grade.
    Good luck with the rest of your time! I have one more week in 2nd grade! I will miss them as I am already getting attached.
